The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93035   Message #1786043
Posted By: leeneia
17-Jul-06 - 10:53 PM
Thread Name: folklore: Welsh pronunciation & other Welsh stuff
Subject: RE: BS: Welsh pronunciation & other Welsh stuff
I've developed a theory about the mysterious Welsh "Ll,"

I learned from my voice teacher that English uses L to represent two different sounds. One is at the front of the mouth, as in "like." The other is at the back of the throat, as in "old."

If you make the L as in "old" and hold it, you produce a sibilant which I think is the Welsh Ll. I think this explains why a sound which I thought was related to ch was spelled Ll.
Thanks for talking about the book, kat. I will look for Alison G. Taylor at the liberry.