The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93087   Message #1786779
Posted By: Grab
18-Jul-06 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another U.S. veto at the U.N.
Subject: RE: BS: Another U.S. veto at the U.N.
Dues? For what? For all the good things it does? Er, ah, what's that?

Doug, if you're unaware of what the UN does, check this link.

A few numbers quoted from the UN's site. Currently there are 23 peacekeeping missions active. At the start of 2004, 17.1 million refugees of various wars and conflicts were receiving humanitarian aid from the UN. In 2003, 22 emergency relief efforts required $3.4 billion coordinated aid from multiple agencies, organised by the UN. And in case you think it's a cushy job in the UN, 220 civilian UN staff members have been killed during humanitarian work. In 2004, those civilians had 120 cases of assault, including 10 sexual assaults.

Yes Doug, it's unlikely to do anything for you personally. You're lucky enough to live in one of the richest countries in the world.   The rule of law exists in the US (at least as much as it's ever likely to do in a human society). There are hospitals that will treat you for almost any illness, and medical supplies are of the highest quality. There are any number of banks prepared to lend you money if you want to start a business, build a house or simply need extra cash at some point. You have friends and family you can call on for emergency financial (and emotional/spiritual) support in situations like a hurricane destroying your business, home and every possession you own, and you're almost certainly insured so you'll get your money back anyway. The US has enough money to fund its own relief efforts in case of massive disasters. You're also in a country which has not suffered any attack or civilian deaths on its mainland from a foreign army since 1812 (with one exception: 6 dead from Japanese balloon bombs in 1945), and which until 9/11/2001 was basically unaware that attacks on civilians could happen on its soil.

In most other countries of the world, you'll find that one, many or all of these don't apply. Either people have personally been in need of assistance from the UN (or a similar organisation), or their family has been within living memory. If you believe in God, I'd suggest thanking him for lucking into a situation where you don't need that help.

Even then, let's try and remember another major aspect of the UN - trying to prevent war between nations. You're old enough to remember the Cuba Missile Crisis, right? Nuff said, I hope.
