The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9859   Message #178699
Posted By: JedMarum
15-Feb-00 - 09:16 AM
Thread Name: Are men more musical?
Subject: RE: Are men more musical?
but atcually - I think we've touched on some of the answers already. Men are probably more likely to enthralled with the muscial toy itself. So are likley to learn it at a different level (not neccessarily better level). And women are much more situationally socially conscious - when it comes to jams; where typically a group of individuals go and sit with strangers or distant acquaintances to play and sing - women are more likely to feel uncomfortable. But when it comes to a controlled environment with a known group, and a team effort at choral work - women are likley to feel comfortable.

These are, of course, generalizations. But porbably help explain the statistics of attendance at both events - rather than musical affinity; which seems to me to be quite evenly balanced.