The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93099   Message #1787276
Posted By: GUEST,CrazyEddie
19-Jul-06 - 10:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Interesting Facts
Subject: RE: BS: Interesting Facts
If you want REALLY interesting facts, you need Peter Cook:
PETER COOK: ...not as interesting in my opinion as another fact I've come across. It's about the eagle. It's quite interesting that the eagle has an estimated wingspan of eighteen feet, whereas its two feet span three feet, which is double the length of its tail feather and over four times the width of its beak alone. That's quite an interesting statistic, isn't it?
PETER BELLWOOD: Fancy that - the eagle. I never knew.
PETER COOK: I doubt if the eagle does either. It's quite interesting to think that if all the Chinamen in the world linked hands they'd girdle the earth three times.
PETER BELLWOOD: Three time, eh? That's amazing.
PETER COOK: I wouldn't call it amazing. I'm not amazed by it. I just take an intelligent interest in it. Of course, I've not bothered to check up at all. I've just taken it on trust. I've not got time to go round organising Chinamen to link their hands, and the practical difficulties are immense. You'd have to have rafts over the sea. Anyway, I shouldn't think they'd agree to do it. But it's quite interesting as a fact.
PETER BELLWOOD: Yes. Yes, I suppose it is.
PETER COOK: The grasshopper is an interesting creature. It has a disproportionate leaping ability. It's the powerful hind legs that cause it. You can seem them hopping over grassy terrain. That's why it's called a grasshopper. But it is its leaping ability that interests me. Do you know that if the giraffe had the same leaping ability, pound for pound, he'd be able to jump onto the moon and Britain would be first in the space race?
PETER BELLWOOD: Yes, well I'm trying to read this article.
PETER COOK: I'm very interested in the grasshopper and its leaping ability. I haven't got an unhealthy interest in it, mind
you. I'm not obsessed by it. I haven't got an unhealthy sexual interest in the grasshopper. At least I've never had any sexual activity with a grasshopper. Or if I have, nobody saw me. And if they did see me it's their look out.