The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93062   Message #1787440
Posted By: beardedbruce
19-Jul-06 - 01:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: WW3, no sign of any effort to stop it
Subject: RE: BS: WW3, no sign of any effort to stop it
There would be an immediate ceasefire if Hezbollah released the kidnap victims and stopped firing rockets at Israeli civilians.

Does Hezbollah give a damn about innocent civilians or are they only interested in revenge?

If the trucks that launch the rockets at Israeli civilians use those roads to go from launch site to launch site, the roads are militray targets. If you do not understand this, you need to start thinking a little. If HEZBOLLAH parks a launcher in front of your house, EXPECT a bomb or artillary shell soon after the launch-. Israel has risked planes and lives to drop warning leaflets telling civilians this- AND YOU THINK IT IS OK for Hezbollah to continue to target civlians, but deny the Israelis the right to attack the launchers?????????

If Hezbollah doesn't smarten up, the whole world will hold them responsible for another Lebanese massacre.

When will they ever learn?