The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3532   Message #17881
Posted By: Bill D
18-Dec-97 - 05:20 PM
Thread Name: young folkies?
Subject: RE: young folkies?
well....I 'think' I am seeing a pattern here...those who identify themselves as younger seem to be listing "groups" as their introduction to the music...and often celtic groups...the kind with an active, driving rhythm as a major aspect of the music...(yes, I know..there were groups in the 30's, 40's etc..and there are some solo performers listed..but there is a modern trend for music of various types to be done 'at' you BY groups rather than 'by' you IN groups:witness the number of requests we see for 'X's version of some song, rather that just the song.
.....sure...a lot of the younger folkies HAD to start with what they saw and heard most easily...which was commercial adaptations of traditional songs, for the most part. And there was no place for most of them to really hear some of the older 'source' material and singers.

I am not suggesting that this is good or bad...just that we must be aware that, in traditional music, it really takes a lot of time and effort to find and hear the full range of music....and this forum is doing a LOT to give some perspective to the whole thing. Now if we can just get more of the younger set to really read it!!