The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3532   Message #17882
Posted By: Petra A. Cosgrove
18-Dec-97 - 05:35 PM
Thread Name: young folkies?
Subject: RE: young folkies?
Hmm.. how young is young... I guess I think of young as being under 30... I just sometimes feel quite alone in a world where people my age tend to be so caught up in "alternative" "metal" and "rap" that.. the older (more beautiful I think) songs and music are lost to them.. And it's strange on the DT sometimes, I listen to everyone and how long they've been playing/singing/listening and I just was curious if there were others besides myself and Til that were on here that were of the younger generation (like the kids that Jon W. was talking about...) who somehow got dropped off in a generation where they make no sense..

No offense to anyone who feels that I'm slighting the older generation, it was my father who first introduced me to the 'Rovers and Steeleye when I was still in the womb, it's just strange sometimes when you feel like you just sort of got dropped off in the wrong generation somehow.

Not meaning any offense..

just curious..
