The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9859   Message #178937
Posted By: sophocleese
15-Feb-00 - 04:09 PM
Thread Name: Are men more musical?
Subject: RE: Are men more musical?
Thanks for deleting the extras Joe. I do remember the shock and astonishment when it was discovered that somewhere in Southern Ontario is a church choir with SPARE TENORS!!!!! Our local song circle has and always has had far more men than women. The women tend also always to be led by their voices, other instruments are secondary.

Just on a different tack. Women's hearing can become more acute and fine tuned during pregancy and while they are looking after infants. Theory is that its a necessary defence when you have to be hyper-aware of dangers while caring for little ones; need to know what's happening further away so there's more lead time for action. Anybody notice anything along those lines applying to music?