The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93185   Message #1790405
Posted By: GUEST
23-Jul-06 - 12:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Evacuationgate
Subject: RE: BS: Evacuationgate
Governor Blanco issued only a voluntary evacuation order, but admitted that she received a call from the President on August 27, 2005, urging her to make it a mandatory one. He wanted as many people as possible out of the path of the storm.

Despite the fact that New Orlean's own Emergency Response Guidelines call for a mandatory evacuation of the City if a strike by a Category 3 Hurricane is projected, with 72 hours advance notice to all residents, Mayor Nagin didn't order a mandatory evaluation until Sunday. Further, he only did so after Max Maxfield, the National Hurricane Director, called Nagin at his home to plead that he empty the City.