The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #673   Message #1790452
Posted By: GUEST,Cordilow
23-Jul-06 - 02:37 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Be Thou My Vision / Slane
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Be Thou My Vision / Slane

I've written a full choir version of this song. I wanted to make such a version freely available to everyone, as all of the choral versions I've found seem to be copyrighted pretty strictly.

I would just submit it to, but I don't want to restrict what people can do with derivative works. I want to make it as if it were public domain all the way. Does anyone here know of a server on the net where I can upload it (and link it to CPDL from there)? I need a server that won't claim any sort of rights on the stuff I upload, and a server that will let it remain there indefinitely. If you don't now of a public source, do you know of a private source?

Anyway, contact me at
