The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93185   Message #1791284
Posted By: Bobert
23-Jul-06 - 11:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Evacuationgate
Subject: RE: BS: Evacuationgate
Well, Charlie, I have the stomach fir it...

In the past when major diasters crippled entire regions we had FEMA....

When Katrina we had a completely gutted FEMA... Bush used FEMA as a big ol' slush fund to fund the DHS and his war in Iraq... He didn't cover his rear or his flanks and was jus' hopion' that nuthin' would hit that would reveal how badly he was "protecting the American people"...

...then Katrina...

That's the bottom line... Yeah, you can say that the school buses should have done this or that but when a local governemnt is completely overwhelmed by a disaster it takes more than some staffers "evacuation plan"... It takes amssive resources to get the job done...

That is what FEAM used to be all about until it was gutted by Bush...

Make no bones about this... The Bush apologists will go to their grave tryin' to pin this on anyopne but Bush but this was Bush's battle to loose and he lost it big time...
