The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93035   Message #1791434
Posted By: Paul Burke
24-Jul-06 - 05:00 AM
Thread Name: folklore: Welsh pronunciation & other Welsh stuff
Subject: RE: folklore: Welsh pronunciation & other Welsh st
A few points- Derbyshire was scarecely deserted in Roman times, though probably quite thinly populated. As I said before, it's not a residence of choice, at least in the days before easy transport and consequent appreciation of wild beauty.

The (lost but existence certain) lead mining centre of Lutudarum was somewhere around the south Peak district. There were potteries near Duffield, forts with their vici (shops, businesses, wives and floozies) at Chesterfield, Derby, Brough (Navio- the river is still the Noe) and Glossop (Ardotalia, romantically also called Melandra) and also probably at Buxton and Carsington. there was quite a network of roads, the ones that are marked on maps only a sample. There was a Romano- British settlement at Roystone Grange, and one is believed to have existed at Bonsall, but that was unexcavated when it was (illegally) quarried away a few years ago.

"Twistle", not "wistle"- it's a Norse word for the land in a fork in a river or stream.