The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91369   Message #1791554
Posted By: Wolfgang
24-Jul-06 - 08:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Football World Cup 2006
Subject: RE: BS: Football World Cup 2006
Well, both players have stated that the insult was not racist. So that's it.

Similarly with "Kapo" for a Jewish player doing the same. (McGrath)

McGrath, your extremely idiosyncratic definition of "racist" is even more twisted than I thought or you simply don't know what "Kapo" means.

"Kapo" was in the concentration camps one of the prisoners aiding the Nazi screws for priviledges. The word is said to be derived from the German spelling of 'comrade police'. The inmates in the camps were Jews, Slavs, Germans, Sinti, Roma, communists, Jehova's witnesses, oppositional army officers, socialist, homosexuals, common criminals...

Therefore the Kapo's as well were all that, namely Jews, Slavs, Germans,... BTW, common German criminals made the best Kapos due to a lack of compassion. To call a Jew a Kapo is an insult, but not a racist insult unless you want to strip that term of any meaning.
