The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67969   Message #1792393
Posted By: GUEST
25-Jul-06 - 02:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: GB and the Rise of Christian Fascism..
Subject: RE: BS: GB and the Rise of Christian Fascism..
Islamic fascism. As practiced where? I've heard Rush Limbaugh froth about Islamic fascism, but I don't think he's ever mentioned a particular country. I know there's been a serious problem in the Sudan for the last few years...Muslims killing Christians...and if GWBush and gang were really Christian, that's where they'd be right now. Right? They'd be stopping the slaughter of Christians.

But the Bush gang isn't in the Sudan. They've put American troops in harm's way because Israel wants to eradicate its neighbors. How 'bout that photo a couple days ago of school kids in Israel taking a field trip to a military facility and signing their names on howitzer shells. What loving people. Gonna shell Lebanese kids...from Israel to its Lebanese neighbors, in the hopes that they can soon co-exist peacefully. What a crock.

And if GW and his gang were such fundamentalists, how come Israel even exists today? I mean, fundamentalists are stereotyped as stumbling around, muttering in tongues and saying "the Jews killed Jesus" during their coherent moments, so if Bush is so fundamentally Christian, why doesn't he nuke Israel? The country meets all his criteria of "terrorist state" and "rogue nation," and the fundamentalists say the Jews killed Jesus, so why is Israel still on the map? Something doesn't add up here.

Bush isn't a Christian. Some of his so-called Christian appointees are pro-zionist because they think Jesus will rule from Jerusalem when He returns, so we gotta secure Jerusalem. And some of the fundamantalists believe America's not mentioned in Revelations in the "end times," therefore America has to be destroyed before Scripture can be fulfilled. Odd thinking, admittedly, but then Jews and Muslims have some quirky beliefs too. But to ascribe any Christian attribute to Bush at all is absurd. Can't argue with the fascism, though.