The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93237   Message #1793019
Posted By: 282RA
25-Jul-06 - 04:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Gospel of Shatner
Subject: RE: BS: The Gospel of Shatner
>>De Niro, for one.<<

Obviously, sir, you never saw the episode where the Holy Shatner beat the fucking shit out of Wyatt Earp at the OK Corral. What did your puny De Niro ever do in comparison that could hope to match such glory??

De Niro made a name walking and talking about being Italian while chasing after skirts with black women in them. A throwback to Southern concubinism. Verily I say unto thee, while the savage European tribes were huddling naked and frightened in cold, dark caves, the Holy Shatner already allowed a gay Asian man to steer his ship IN THE ANCIENT SIXTIES!!! HAHA! HOHO!

And all this while your malodorous little fellow of an actor touted American Express and portrayed wacko gun-toting taxi drivers blowing old perverts in whorehouses. In comparison my Lord and Final Hope of Salvation beat the fuckin' shit of a gorn! Yeah, you got that right, read it and weep, buddy! A GORN!!!! We shall not stoop to worshiping an impotent fat old Jake LaMotta for the mere sake of overacting. Not die in the name of overacting when you can have the Holy Shatner—no!!!

We, who have waited patiently and quietly since time immemorial, shall soon realize our day for its light shall dawn upon us as we bask reverently in the glorious red gold rays of a glorious new sun. And the Holy Shatner shall emerge from fiery clouds of power and His Son Nomad shall be at his right hand and in His other hand are the keys to the pit and he unlocked the pit and Nomad zapped De Niro who tumbled headlong into the pit and then the lid was closed and locked for two seasons, a season and a half a season after which there will be reruns.

Remember: There's a little Hooker in all of us. Bless you. Amen.