The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93087   Message #1793115
Posted By: Don Firth
25-Jul-06 - 06:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another U.S. veto at the U.N.
Subject: RE: BS: Another U.S. veto at the U.N.
If various countries whom I shall not bother to name didn't just blow off the U.N., but gave it the respect and support that it deserves, used their mighty military to provide peace-keeping forces like they did on occasion in the past, made use of the U.N.'s diplomatic facilities instead of just hauling off and invading other countries on their own hook, paid their dues, and were more involved in matters of genuine human rights rather than securing profits for American oil companies, problems like Ruwanda and Darfur could very well be solved by now.

But that means that occasionally we'd have to make compromises and might not always get our own way.

Well!   We can't allow that, now can we. . . ?

Don Firth