The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79469   Message #1794121
Posted By: blind will
26-Jul-06 - 08:32 PM
Thread Name: Gospel music is Gaelic? UK TV 21 Mar
Subject: RE: Gospel music is Gaelic? UK TV 21 Mar 05
Ps. On my 26 Jul O6-01:50 am post, 2nd last paragrah, I forgot to write that "These groups are known as "progressive quartets" and were popular from the 40's to 60's".By including this statement it will cause the last paragragh on that post to make more sense.I also messed up on my following post by putting two sentences together witout a period.(It was getting late).

I have some other comments (not as long) which will point even more directly to the Gaelic question of this thread, while tying it in to the history I shared.Plus some more music samples--comparing rural black spiritual singing to Lining Out of white Appalachian singers, and looking at how this might relate to black gospel today.But I'll do that another day and wait for others to give more of their 2 cents.