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Thread #93185   Message #1794276
Posted By: GUEST
27-Jul-06 - 02:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Evacuationgate
Subject: RE: BS: Evacuationgate

You seem like a reasonable man, not prone to rants and quick judgements.

Tell me what GWB could have done to prevent the levee system from failing?

Tell me what amount of money spent on FEMA and or the levee system would have prevented the horrible situation that developed after the levees failed?

GWB's fault lies in changes made to FEMA when it was incorporated into DHS. It was not his idea to make FEMA part of DHS in the first place. If the Dems had shut up with their "Bush wont do this" and "Bush refuses to do that" political election posturing crap, FEMA would have remained the way it was and functioned the way it did before DHS was demanded by the Democrats that always have to have a beef with GWB no matter what he does.

I say a large pert of that fault lies with GWB as far as the response after the disaster. I say that very little of responsibility of the disaster itself belongs to GWB.

I also say that a large number of people just don't like GWB and they use every oppertunity to make him look as bad as possible as their only recourse. Revenge for winning the 2000 and 2004 election.

I am not a friend or supporter of GWB. I do not agree with a lot of his policys but the best defense that the Bush haters have is to call any body that disagrees with them, Bush supporters.

That is as stupid as me accusing anybody that disagrees with me a Nagin supporter or a Blanco supporter.