The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3532   Message #17948
Posted By: Selene
19-Dec-97 - 12:55 PM
Thread Name: young folkies?
Subject: How young is young?
Hi there

I just found this bullitin board,but I'm only 18. (well, only, my brother claims I'm over the hill) the problem is that youngsters nowadays (me included) are not exposed to enough kinds of music, only to house, or whatever the current fad your friends are into is. I, luckely had parents that tortured me by playing pavarotti, simon and garfunkel and all sorts of stuff when I was young, and now I actually apreciate them. (well, pavarotti less than the rest.... But that's not country or folk anyway). You can learn to like, or appreciate anything, methinks.
