The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87191   Message #1795192
Posted By: Mr Red
28-Jul-06 - 03:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Migraines and P.F.O.s
Subject: RE: BS: Migraines and P.F.O.s
Now I get something with the heart - usually in bed as I drift off. It feels like a double beat. Once and only occasionally but I am susceptable to migraine if I don't watch what I drink - red wine - more than 3 pints of cider or 2 in the case of any commercial brew that has "added sugars and sweeteners" (aspartame?).

I don't get hypochondriacal about it - it's cheaper to stay sensible. But one does wonder.............

FWIW - I find adrenaline helps with migraine - singing in public - dancing and, yes, sex. By and large I have the situation under control but I suspect my case is not that onerous anyway.

come to think about it - it was worse when I lived with a smoker - she pointed to pub sessions as worse - isn't denial a wonderful thing.