The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87191   Message #1795581
Posted By: GUEST,JTT
28-Jul-06 - 02:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Migraines and P.F.O.s
Subject: RE: BS: Migraines and P.F.O.s
Was wondering about the title of the thread; in Ireland PFO is slang for a letter rejecting you for a job, etc (the P stands for Please, the O for Off...)

Imigran work for me, almost always; before I discovered them I had a whole series of things to use: Solpadeine; a long brisk walk with the dog (the puking holds off if you're upright and moving, though it's difficult when you're feeling the kind of stunned exhaustion that's part of a migraine); cool showers; showering with cold water directly on the face; snuffing up seawater; sea swimming. But in the end it always came down to alternately sleeping and getting up and vomiting and retching, for around six hours.