The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93369   Message #1795924
Posted By: Barry Finn
28-Jul-06 - 11:13 PM
Thread Name: bbc, have a great time in England
Subject: bbc, have a great time in England
Hi bbc
I see (from another thread) that you're heading to England this Tuesday with your son, I hope you'll have a wonderfull time. I know you mentioned that you'll be seeing Bill Sables, he's a lovely man as well as a great singer & musician but you already know that. I'm sure you'll be in good hands with Bill. I can't recomend anything there, never having been there myself (hopefully someday) but I'm hoping that my posting this attracts UK catter's & to tell them that this woman (that's you, bbc) is one of Mudcats gems. She's a bit shy & won't really impose herself or ask to be shown about but she's
worth her weight in gold. She's called (on the QT) when I was sick & broke & offered to send me to the Getaway at her expense & didn't want to payed back or anything else in return. She's as pleasant a person as you'd ever want to meet. Please take good care of her & above all return her, we don't care about her condition, just send her back home when she's ready.
Have a wonderful time bbc