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Thread #93378   Message #1796150
Posted By: GUEST,Old Guy
29-Jul-06 - 09:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Stemcellgate
Subject: BS: Stemcellgate
I know the Bush haters here are going to have a field day calling me a Bush supporter and other names but here goes:

I know the Bush haters here are going to have a field day calling me a Bush supporter but here goes:

Bush haters use Selective federal funding of stem cell research, which did not even exist under the previous administration, as a political opportunity to discredit GWB.

They try to mischaracterize the restrictions as a "BAN ON STEM CELL RESEARCH"

"We're going to lift the ban on stem cell research," Kerry said. "We're going to listen to our scientists and stand up for science. We're going to say yes to knowledge, yes to discovery and yes to a new era of hope for all Americans."

After weighing the evidence, I think GWB is acting rationally on this matter and is in step with the rest of the World. You can read the excerpts below, take a fresh look by maybe doing little research of your own, put things into perspective and form your own conclusions.

The Clinton Era:

By Rick Weiss
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, November 6, 1998

"...Stem cells are controversial because they offer embryologists a relatively simple method for creating "designer" babies bearing specific genetic traits that would become part of a child's permanent genetic lineage.

The discovery also threatens to reopen the debate over human cloning, since one of the simpler ways to grow transplantable replacement tissues from the new cells would call for a patient to be partially cloned.

And in the political arena, the new work has reignited a smoldering debate over a four-year-old congressional ban on the use of federal funds for human embryo research. With the therapeutic potential of embryonic cells suddenly very real, advocates are calling for a reexamination of that ban, saying the development of lifesaving applications will be hindered if federal dollars remain off-limits. ..."

The GWB Era:

By Amy Goldstein and Mike Allen
Washington Post Staff Writers
August 10, 2001

"President Bush last night announced the federal government will begin to pay for a limited amount of research on stem cells from human embryos, a politically charged decision that will move taxpayer money slowly into a controversial but promising field of medical inquiry.

In his first presidential address to the American people, Bush said federal grants may be used to conduct studies solely on stem cells that have been harvested from embryos left over at fertility clinics. But he prohibited subsidies of research that involved the creation or destruction of additional embryos. ..."

In Europe:

BBC News:
April 10 2003
"MEPs vote to ban stem cell research

Stem cell research is legal in the UK
European MPs have voted against allowing scientists to carry out research on stem cells taken from embryos."

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - "Germany pressed its EU partners to ban European funding for embryonic stem-cell research, a day after
President George W. Bush vetoed a bill that would have expanded such work in the United States."

BBC News:
July 24 2006
"... The EU ministers agreed not to fund activities that destroyed human embryos but said other research could continue. ..."