The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93385   Message #1796514
Posted By: LilyFestre
29-Jul-06 - 06:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Women In The Outdoors
Subject: RE: BS: Women In The Outdoors

WOW! That's a GREAT list! Do you get to do these things often? I'm going on an Owl Prowl next week...ever do that? It involves going out in the woods at night and calling to the owls and listening for their response. Sounds kind of bland on paper but is lots of fun!!!

And snowmobiling? I'm JEALOUS! I used to have one years ago and would love to have one again...that's fun! One of the best things about snowmobiling in this neck of the woods is the scenery. There are plenty of roads that aren't maintained in the winter that are open for snowmobile use...especially in the state forest areas! As a kid, in the 1970's, we'd get lots of snow and my brother and I used to snowmobile our way to school through the woods and fields...took a bit longer to get there...but oh what fun!!!
