The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93385   Message #1796578
Posted By: GUEST,pattyClink
29-Jul-06 - 10:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Women In The Outdoors
Subject: RE: BS: Women In The Outdoors
Used to do lots more outdoors than I do now, hope that will turn around soon as my heel heals. Lately only the odd rock or fossil expedition gets me out much.

If you are looking for anything new to do outdoors, I highly recommend the little known art of creekwalking. Find a stream 2 feet or less in depth, (deeper if your waders will allow), clear if possible, and walk it, either using wading boots, or in summer, your tevas or other waterproof sandals. Much more fun and much more nature to spot than hiking roads or trails. Take a thin cane or rod (to test for deep holes or collapsing sands) and a buddy along, unless you are very very sure of the watery terrain and there are no hazards (sinking sands, slippery spots, can't swim, etc.) And don't tread on fish beds in the spring.

I suspect this is the real reason guys stand in trout streams for hours, it's not so much the fish as the standing in the cool water experience, watching tumbling leaves and creatures go by in the water, enjoying the peace, just being in the stream is a kick.

The Women in Outdoors thing did sound kind of fun for the assorted camping-skills stuff they were offering, but I just don't want to kill critters.   It would be cool to be around more outdoorsy women, seems like all through my life women have either been raging mountainclimbing lunatics who walk a 2-minute mile, or poufy things who think a Holiday Inn is roughing it. Where is all the middle ground????? Are there lots of MudCats like that?