The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93182   Message #1796760
Posted By: Rockhen
30-Jul-06 - 07:25 AM
Thread Name: MarketRasenFolkClub Friday July 28th 06
Subject: RE: MarketRasenFolkClub Friday July 28th 06
Twangy, I thought you knew...Dave was one of the people who said no to the ELECTRIC piano...his pub, his choice I guess.

Sorry to hear about Jane's ill health, Strollin' best wishes to you and her, for a good and speedy return to good health.

I tried the piano at Faldingworth and although it wasn't awful, it wasn't that perfectly in tune, unfortunately. I far prefer to play a 'real' piano but most in places like that, are not that brilliant because of the changes in temperature affecting them. Fine if I am playing for a singaround type of informal bit of fun but not quite right for piano ballads.