The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18209   Message #179793
Posted By: Áine
16-Feb-00 - 10:42 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Island Folk Festival II
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Island Folk Festival II
Lawdy, Amos,

Last time I checked crayfish were freshwater critters! Oh dear, I done went and forgot the 'theme' . . . well, what do ya expect from a landlocked gal such as myself -- I mean, geez loueez, I got seasick last time I went on a paddleboat trip on the Mississipi -- green to the gills -- but, I'm a heck of a swimmer -- go figure.

Yep, y'all should a seen me on my honeymoon -- what a sight. A moonlit night on Charleston Harbor, a wonderful dinner cruise, and it took two bottles of red wine, three Bloody Marys, and two rum and cokes for me to maintain . . . well, if ya call throwin' my skirt over my head when the band played La Bamba and chasing the folks from County Kerry all over the boat yellin' "Y'all need to come to Texas!" . . . memories, like the shadows in my mind . . .

-- Áine