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Thread #93424   Message #1798303
Posted By: GUEST
31-Jul-06 - 08:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: FU Bill Clinton
Subject: RE: BS: FU Bill Clinton
If that is what you need to believe jaze, sure. I'm Martin Gibson.

Won't change the facts, though. Bush is sitting in the White House, because the sheep followed the Democratic Leadership Council's directions to vote for John Kerry, or face four more years of Bush.

We see how well that one worked out for the world, now don't we?

Anyone heard about a press conference being called by US Democratic Party leadership condemnimg Israel's horrific acts of late? No?

Imagine my surprise. The rest of the world can see the US and Israeli atrocities being committed and call a spade a spade, but our dear centrist liberal sheep here in the Democratic Leadership Council stronghold known as the Mudcat Forum don't question that fact, do they?

Let's blame Nader for it instead. Or the Greens. Or the Christian Right. Instead of the party that rolled over and played dead once Ronnie Rayguns won the PR revolution.