The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3532   Message #17998
Posted By:
20-Dec-97 - 05:02 PM
Thread Name: young folkies?
Subject: RE: young folkies?
Any music I have learned, has been by band, or via the Scouting, I used to be part of a group who would sing just about anything singable. Unfortunatly, the group split up, but I still have most of their songs, and i have a couple of cd's whith some of this kind of music (country, singalongs, folk, all this kind of stuff-even some old rock and roll!). I guess you could just say I love anything I can sing along to, much to my parents displeasure (they unfortunatly, do not approve.) And my Grandpa, when he could sing, (he's doesn't have the breath anymore), he taught me a lot, so I'd say, look up the old folks, try grandparents, or other people like that, theyoften know a lot more than they let on. But I will admitt you won't always get the correct words (at the tune of It's a long way to tipperary) It's a long way to tickle Mary...... ;-)
