The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18200   Message #180000
Posted By: InOBU
17-Feb-00 - 10:45 AM
Thread Name: Today in Ireland's History-II
Subject: RE: Today in Ireland's History-II
Dear Jon:
A note of clarification. As one member of an ancient and dusty Anglo Irish family, with leavings in Wales and Scotland as well as Austrailia, New Zeland, Canada and the US, I for one, and expect others who voice similar oppinions to me, use the term British to refer to government policies and not to generalise the thoughts of the British people. In point of fact, some of the great voices for progressive change in Ireland come from, (for a few examples) Richard Harvey an English Barrister who is the US lawyer for Sinn Fien, The Troops Out movement, an organisation of British ex-soliers who fought in Ireland and oppose the policies which sent them their, Helen Mirrin, who on US TV described her self as a Republican when asked her oppions reguarding the occupation of Ireland. In fact, the English arts community has often played a very progressive and educative role in the conflict and I would expect that when speaking of British policy on Ireland, they exempt themselves from a sense that that referrs to them, in the same way thouse of us who opposed the Viet Nam war, feel exempted from statements about American policy reguarding that war.
Last note, Jon, when feeling green, try a small glass of sherry, it will put you right back in the pink, or a glass of Vodka if you prefer to be as red as my comrads and I. (Im going to hear from Petr in the Czech Republic on that one, boys, wont I!?) Chears to all