The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3552   Message #18006
Posted By: Sheye
20-Dec-97 - 06:58 PM
Thread Name: happy meaderers
Subject: happy meaderers
Frank in the swamps said something on one of the threads that started with "when I first came across this thread..." and i got to wonderin' how we all came to find our now prized Mudcat.

I was using a search engine to find the words to The Ballad of the Frank Slide (which I still have not found) and ended up in the forum. (Now it's confession time: I don't see advertisements/hear commercials, and was paying no attention to the links on the forum page. I kept reading threads where folks were talking about THE DT and wondering what they knew that I didn't. I figured it out, thanks.)

Kept hanging out, like the rest of you. , I knew this was a different, unique, intriguing site and, over time, came to develop a sense of community. How did the rest of you find this place?

Alan: Thanks for your link to your web page. Enjoyed that. Bert: Love your humour! Before this sounds like an Oscar to you all and warmest wishes.

As always, Sheye