The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3533   Message #18011
Posted By: chet w
20-Dec-97 - 09:18 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Blue Suede Shoes (Carl Perkins)
Subject: RE: Blue Suede Shoes
I guess the question is, why do we need a definition? Trained, untrained, oral, written, rural, urban, acoustic, electric etc etc etc. It again becomes a political thing. If Saint Pete (Seeger), whom I admire greatly, did a song with exactly the same content as Blue Suede Shoes, we'd all trip over our Birkenstocks trying to rush to learn it. Definitions can be helpful, but they can also be meaningless, or even harmful. For example, there was a time when blues was undisputedly "folk" or even "country" music. Maybe if we still saw it that way there would be one less barrier to ethnic unity. Definitions are at their best when they serve as a rough guide, like Yahoo! At their worst they serve to exclude other people.

Chet W.