The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93525   Message #1801105
Posted By: Bill D
03-Aug-06 - 10:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who came first, the Arab or the Jew?
Subject: RE: BS: Who came first, the Arab or the Jew?
You can describe the basic history of the region anthropologically, or you can describe it from a religious/cultural perspective. In the 1st instance, you find that very similar people moved about there for 4000-5000 years, and that almost every area had some of the various clans, tribes and ethnic groups there in various patterns when the total population was low.

In the 2nd instance, usually written from a viewpoint with a vested interest, you find this notion of "God promised us WE were the chosen ones!" Now you have similar but differently slanted versions relying on only vaguely historical figures quoting 'scripture' about a supposed supernatural being 'deeding' real estate to 'favored' groups based on ambiguous virtues & behavior! Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.

No one seems to have any idea why, if this 'promising' actually happened, it was not made clearer and why a Supreme Being capable of such favoritism (no matter in which direction) could not also pop in when things got nasty and RE-explain it clearly. Obviously, the 'interested parties' will continue to point to 'history' that supports THEIR vision, and in the direction of lands with the most personal significance for them....Oh, there's considerable overlap in the claims? My...maybe they should share! Nope...somebody stepped on SOMEbody's toes a few thousand years ago, (or so it says in various ambiguous texts!) so the descendants will fight about it forever, seeing as how God does not seem inclined to do his smiteing personally anymore, but contracts it out to Mullahs and Rabbis and their loyal followers.

.................need I go on? EVERYONE has a semi-valid claim, and everyone denies the other guy's. Sure makes money for munitions suppliers.