The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93525   Message #1801291
Posted By: beardedbruce
04-Aug-06 - 07:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who came first, the Arab or the Jew?
Subject: RE: BS: Who came first, the Arab or the Jew?
Have to repost the links to the 1923 treaty that created the Mandate Palestine area- ALL of Israel, Jordan, and the West bank. Originally designated by the League of Nations as a "Jewish Homeland" ( Same treaty gave present boundaries of Turkey, Syria, Iraq...) The British decided to carve off 70% as an "Arab Homeland"- and removed all of Transjordan ( east of the Jordan River) from the Mandate. THEN the British decided to divide the remainder of the "Jewish Homeland" into Arab and Jewish Palestine, based on population ( like Pakistan/India division). Post WWII, the UN gave part of the "Jewish Palestine" to the Jews, and the rest to the Arabs- and the Arabs refused to accept the division, stating they wanted it all.

When the dust settled from the 1948 war, some of the Arabs ( a number stayed, and are Israeli citizens) had fled or been driven out ( about 640,000) of Israel, and almost all of the Jews remaining in Arab nations were expelled ( about 820,000) from those nations. Israel took in all the Jewish refugees, while the Arab nations kept the Palastinians in camps without citizenship. ANY "right of return " that addresses the Palestiinian claims to part of the land which does not address the greater Israeli claims to the property taken from the Jews driven out of Arab nations is less than useful.

While Arab nations controlled the West bank and Gaza, there was no attempt to create a state of Palestine- Gaza was part of Egypt and the West Bank was part of Jordan. The Palestinians were NOT given citizenship in those countries. Jerusalum (specifically the eastern part, containing the Wailing Wall, the last remaining portion of the Temple) was NOT acceccable to ANY Jew. Only after the 1967 war were ALL religions allowed access to their holy sites.