The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18245   Message #180235
Posted By: JedMarum
17-Feb-00 - 04:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are you isolated?
Subject: RE: BS: Are you isolated?
I think the people who tell us that this is what the study says are the same people who told us the world population would be dangerously decimated by aids by 1990. I say this not to understate the damage aids has done, but to underscore the fear and paranoia the popular press pushes on us, in daily large doses.

There are certainly changes in human social behavior, (some not so healthy) that are made possible by our application of PC and Internet technologies; but I don't believe for a minute they will massive, sweeping and unhealthy. Is change coming? Sure. Will humankind survive and thrive? Of course.