The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3532   Message #18024
Posted By: Alice
21-Dec-97 - 12:56 PM
Thread Name: young folkies?
Subject: RE: young folkies?
Petra, you and your dad are a power of two that could start your own song/session group, even if you meet just once every month or two to start with. When the session here started about three years ago, there were times when only two or three people would show up to play. PERSEVERANCE FURTHERS! Now it is crowded every week. All it took was the agreement on the part of management of a hotel lobby to allow it to happen. I have a suggestion for those of you out there longing for a group of older folks with whom you may sing. Call all the senior citizen associations in your area and ask if you can start a session or song circle in their senior citizen center. Great things could happen for all of us. Folk music shared person to person may become a more common experience. Every community would be enriched if that could happen. Thanks for starting this thread. Alice in Montana