The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93586   Message #1803449
Posted By: Big Mick
07-Aug-06 - 10:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Women's asses are getting bigger
Subject: RE: BS: Women's asses are getting bigger
Given the effects of medication and age on meself, I certainly am in no position to talk about women. But this discussion raises a much larger issue. What is the role of physical looks in the larger issue of beauty and desirability?

I know that for me, looks play a part, but not a big part. Neither does age. How many times have I sat and just been completely enamored of a mature woman, long in life experience, self assured, talented, and just been completely attracted to her? There is a group of Mudcat women that I have never met 3D, but based on their sharing of themselves here, their views, that I would love to have dinner with, and I could care less if they are wide, slim, blue, black, yellow, grey, one legged, five legged, gay or straight, Catholic, Protestant, Agnostic, Wiccan, or Atheist. They are so fascinating to me that I just would like to share time with them.

I guess if that is the purpose of this thread, to encourage one to examine shallowness, and reassess what constitutes real beauty and attractiveness, then I am onboard.
