The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93586   Message #1803475
Posted By: Alice
07-Aug-06 - 10:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Women's asses are getting bigger
Subject: RE: BS: Women's asses are getting bigger
As I work in advertising and also am a graphic artist, I know first hand how much images are manipulated.

HERE IS A GREAT EXAMPLE of how a photo is completely retouched before going to print. Gives you an idea of how different the actual bodies and faces of models are different than the photos we see in print.
Mouse-over the image and you see the original photo before being retouched.

Face - original photo and retouched for print

Body - original photo and retouched for print

Look at how even her arm is made thinner as well as her waist and hips, while her breasts are made to look larger. And, of course, the entire
surface of her skin is smoothed out of pores to look like a plastic surface.