The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93633   Message #1804623
Posted By: fat B****rd
08-Aug-06 - 02:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Characteristic dress clones
Subject: RE: BS: Characteristic dress clones
I've always liked the bit in "The Rebel" (Hancock) where he escapes the conformity of the City Gent bowler hat etc look to dress in black polo necks etc with the "Beatniks".
Round 'ere as with most places "Tracky" bottoms, usually with zips, hoody and T-shirt seem to have been "the thing" for years. I haven't noticed many young people in anything much diferent. I, have, however noticed the deplorable trend of young girls to wear somewhat revealing tops and low cut jeans (unfortunately this trend is also attempted by not so young girls.
                                                                      I'll get me pervy raincoat.