The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93645   Message #1804689
Posted By: Peace
08-Aug-06 - 04:26 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Old Man and the After Guard (Stan Hugill)
BINGO I hope.

Traditional, arr: Stan Kelly
© 1961 Heathside Music


As a topman and an afterguard was a-walking one day.
Says the topman to the afterguard: “I mean for to pray
For the rights of all sailors and the wrongs of all men
And whatever I do pray for you must answer: ‘Amen’.

“First I'll pray for the bosun with his little stick
Who bawls out, ‘All hands!’ and then gives us a lick,
Strikes many a brave fellow and kicks him amain.
May the devil double triple damn him!” -- Says the afterguard: “Amen.”

“Next I'll pray for the purser who gives us to eat
Spew-burgo, rank butter and musty horse meat,
With weevilly old biscuit so he gets the gain.
May the devil double triple damn him!” -- Says the afterguard: “Amen.”

“Next I'll pray for them navy officers who hold up our due.
We're owed three years wages and prize money too,
And it's: ‘You can't have it yet, Jack. Try next v'yage again.’
May the devil double triple damn him!” -- Says the afterguard: “Amen.”

“And the next thing I'll pray for is a post of good beer,
For the Lord sent the liquor our spirits to cheer,
And where we’ got one pot I wish we had ten,
And never, never want for grog, my boys.” -- Says the afterguard: “Amen.”


One time when I visited the Spinners' club in Liverpool, a judy asked me to sing a song she called Kelly's Prayer. Naturally, I was flattered, but I was forced to confess that I had written only the odd verse or two. These "prayer" songs are fine examples of the folk process. In Nelson's day the dialogue was between a topman and an afterguard and I sang this particular version in a BBC Trafalgar-Day radio programme put together by A. L. Lloyd and called "Bold Nelson's Praise." The Navy, Army and Air Force have each had their own versions and variants.