The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93626   Message #1805210
Posted By: Lepus Rex
09-Aug-06 - 09:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is Hezbollah Winning?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Hezbollah Winning?
Of course they're winning. No surprise, there. Israel has nothing to look forward to but endless rocket attacks and new Intifada-s for the forseeable future. Their enemies have time and numbers on their side(s), and Israel has... the US. Which won't be a superpower forever. They should've colonised a more laid back country, I guess. Nauru, maybe.

And not that any of us will be here to see it, but in one hundred years, I seriously doubt that there will be a state called "Israel" on the map. Inevitable, really. See, oh, the Kingdom of Jerusalem on the map these days? Or... the Principalitry of Antioch? Rhodesia, even? No? Why not?

OldGuy: Hey, nice to see you're quoting openly racist blogs like The Jawa Report. Makes you easier to ignore. So, since you're apparently incapable of articulating your views without a copy-and-paste, why don't you fuck off back to your little Jawa hole? That's, like, all those fuckers do. Copy-paste, nod, froth, etc.

Oh, and robomatic: You're still showing that idiotic "Arab land" map around? Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Armenia, etc.? Do you even know what an Arab is, dude? I mean... and I'm not even going to go after the "oh it's just a little postage stamp country" thing as depicted in the map, because I really couldn't care less about your opinions on the matter, and I have no desire to "convert" you... But about half of your map isn't "Arab." And it's not like this is obscure information, or difficult to find out. Look it up. Even Wikipedia, or some shit. I mean, you're online right now. How hard is it? Do your homework, or your opinion doesn't mean anything.

Well, it doesn't mean much, anyways. But do try harder, anyways.

---Lepus Rex