The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93668   Message #1805406
Posted By: GUEST
09-Aug-06 - 01:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: So how about that Connecticut election?
Subject: RE: BS: So how about that Connecticut election?
Because of the simple fact that the "Islamic crazies" (as you so aptly chose to put it in YOUR racist and bigoted terms) don't control any actual NATIONS or NATIONS' MILITARIES.

In other words, the "Islamic crazies" are no more of a threat than the Cold War "communists" were a threat to the US. Or the Japanese were, for that matter. The Japanese never had the ability to invade the US, just as the Cold War "commies" never had the ability to invade the US, or Castro...

The "Islamic crazies" do have the power to lob a few at us. Including a dirty bomb here and there. But none of them has the power to do any substantial damage to our sovereignty or our democratic freedoms.

Unless, of course, we keep voting for Democrats and Republicans, who DO have the power to destroy our American way of life, through their control of mass media, the government, and the economy.

Too bad Doug, you can't see who the REAL enemy of our way of life is: ourselves, and our fearful clinging to the status quo.