The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93668   Message #1805846
Posted By: GUEST
09-Aug-06 - 10:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: So how about that Connecticut election?
Subject: RE: BS: So how about that Connecticut election?
So while all this hemming and hawing is going on about the non-upset upset, Americans have been completely deprived of the REAL story, largely ignored by every media outlet including the one that commissioned the poll:

60% of Americans oppose Iraq war

So, just how newsworthy is it really that Lieberman lost yesterday, considering that unless Connecticut is hit by a very large meteorite between now and November, a Democratic senator will be elected regardless of the outcome of yesterday's primary?

Even in the "control of Congress could change" fear mongering going on, this is a non-story because the seat isn't in play.

That's the US mainstream media reporting for you. All the news that's fit to print gets ignored.