The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93626   Message #1806637
Posted By: GUEST
10-Aug-06 - 05:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Hezbollah Winning?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Hezbollah Winning?
Nick thanks for the rational viewpoint. I think there is no 'winning' side yet. I think the leadership of Hezbollah, and Hamas, and the other myriad terror org's out there is very cynical and very based within their own culture. They must 'keep up appearances' at ALL COST. Therefore, they will make up whatever motivations seem most opportune to the time. They must claim victory no matter what. No matter how many Lebanese they get killed in the process.

As far as the sympathy vote goes for, it counts for little. I think Israel discounted it entirely. The terrorists have attacked schools and killed Israeli children for generations now. The world says wot a pity. This time the world can say 'wot a pity' for some Lebanese by-catch (collateral damage). What the Lebanese will remember is that the Israelis have acted this way before, are likely to act this way again, it really hurts, and maybe the Hezbollah should be less venturous with people who do not want to be shaheeds.

I think the Israelis are fed up with the terrorists, fed up with the Lebanese, and fed up with the UN. I don't blame them, but I fear they are at a 'us against the world' point which will do them no good even if it is true. The terror/suicide/homicide/fascists are also in their own little world. They will try to go on unless stopped on their own side of the border.