The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93700   Message #1806682
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
10-Aug-06 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: London Bombs
Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
Let's put things into perspective. Many complaints (and a new book on the subject) that the CIA and FBI were not cooperating and could have prevented the tragedy. The new book seems very well documented and shows that it could have been prevented---had CIA told the FBI about who and where the perpetrators were. They did not.

So--now there seems to be cooperation between our agencies and the UK. Let us not be cynical if we expect to be protected.

I think "W"s comments, as usual, were inflamatory. As to our being "safer" that is a crock. Had he not lied and gone into Iraq and only did what had to be done in Afghanistan that might, perhaps, be the case. We are in more danger and our soldiers are dying for a wasted cause---an artificial state having our version democracy stuffed down their non-accepting throats.

Since we allow death in Darfur and other African nations (that have no oil) is it not huberus to speak of our ideals? Our vision of democracy?

Summing up---we are not safer and, perhaps, these varied agencies have finally gotten it right. Let us not be that cynical.

Bill H