The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93626   Message #1807229
Posted By: Old Guy
11-Aug-06 - 10:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is Hezbollah Winning?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Hezbollah Winning?

Israeli leaflets list dead Hezbollah fighters

Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa)

Beirut (dpa) - Israeli jets on Friday dropped leaflets over parts of the Lebanese capital Beirut listing the names of 100 Hezbollah guerrillas who it claimed had been killed in fighting with Israeli troops.

The leaflets fell on areas loyal to the militant Hezbollah movement, including the southern suburbs and areas where Shiite refugees from the south of the country are staying.

"(Hezbollah chief Sheikh Hassan) Nasrallah is killing your children for nothing," the leaflets read.

Most of the leaflets fell on parks across the capital, where refugees are staying.

"This is part of the psychological war the enemy is using on us. We tell them we will not bow," said a Hezbollah follower.

The leaflets listed some 100 guerrillas who it said had been killed by Israeli troops in southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah so far has said that only 58 of its guerrillas died in clashes since Israel began its onslaught on Lebanon on July 12 in response to a cross-border raid by the Shiite militia.

Israeli reports said more than 300 guerrillas had been killed.