The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93700   Message #1807240
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
11-Aug-06 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: London Bombs
Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
They were just showing an interview with a Moslem man of around 20 something - The age of most of those arrested. He said these things (terror attacks by Moslems) are happeming because 'We feel left out and excluded. We have no conrol over what is happening'.

Now, is it just me or does that sound familiar to you? Didn't we ALL say this in our dim and distant youth? Why is not obvious that this is a thing that all young men go through. It is not the exclusive right of Moslems or Black People or Hippies or Punks. Then the answer was shown as clear as anything.

The young man interviewed was from an area of Birmingham that has a 95% Moslem majority - Most of those from Pakistan. He doesn't know any better. While I 'fought the establishment' alongside my Black, White, Jewish and Christian peers this guy doesn't. All he sees is other Moslems. The only people he speaks to are other Moslems. He sees the establishment as being anti-Moslem. We know it isn't. It's just anti young men (and women of course!)

Lets end this lunacy. Stop this ridiculous Apartheid system we have and break up the envlaves. Lets show this young man and his peers that 'the man' doesn't have it in for Pakistanis. Let him see that White Christian young men are treated equaly badly. He may continue to fight but at least it will be for the right reasons!

What am I on about? Dunno. Been off ill all week and have too much time on my hands...
