The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93700   Message #1807648
Posted By: GUEST,Another.GUEST
11-Aug-06 - 06:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: London Bombs
Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
Hey you lot, leave GUEST alone.

Everything becomes clear when you understand just how pervasive State Control is in this modern age.   Not many of us realise that 9-11 was actually organized and carried out by U.S. government agents in order for Big Business to make mega-bucks over the last 6 years.   

Personally, I have serious doubts about whether World War 2 actually took place, but that is just a personal thing.   

But one truth constantly denied by the West is that no muslim has in any way harmed or injured any living soul since the end of the Crusades (for which actions carried out then they have humbly and repeatedly apologised over the centuries).   

The media is either a part of the conspiracy, or an unwitting pawn.   When you see in the press that Bin Laden is quoted as saying something like "in the name of Allah, all true believers must wage war on the decadent West", you will find that the original words were "Be true to our faith and live and let live.   Walk in peace".   

And the Taliban - there never was anything like that in Afghanistan (a wonderful freedom loving democracy until invaded by Christian soldiers).   The blowing up of the Buddha statues was with explosives only available to CIA operatives - need I say more?

GUEST has got it right.   Wake up and listen to him.

And go out and hug the next Muslim you meet.   

If you can't find a Muslim, any member of any ethnic minority will do for the time being.