The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93744   Message #1807799
Posted By: John on the Sunset Coast
11-Aug-06 - 09:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Origin of your mudcat handle
Subject: RE: BS: Origin of your mudcat handle
Let's see:
My name IS John
I live in California
The SUN SETS into thePacific Ocean off the California COAST
(well thats true too for Oregon, Washington, Baja California, but I live in California...did I say that?)
I could be John on the Left Coast, but that's too political, and I'm more right than left anyway.
Then, again, I could be from Ghana and be on the left coast of Africa.
Or I could be from Wales, on the left coast of Britain, however am from California.
But you know that because I told you that three times before.
I could be John on the Sunrise Coast if I lived in, say New Jersey or I could be John on the Sonrise Coast if I were a Born Again Christian (but I'm not).
Well, I think I've flogged this post to death. ;>]