The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93567   Message #1807851
Posted By: Old Guy
11-Aug-06 - 11:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Name The Movie
Subject: RE: BS: Name The Movie
Right on Dragline in Cool Hand Luke and A League Of Their Own.

I remember a movie from when I was a kid. Now this was the early fifties. In it a merry go round runs amok and is spinning faster and faster. People are almost being flung off. Someone has to climb under it with the cranks and driveshafts whizzing real close to to them. They finally get to the motor and shut the damned thing off.
It scarred the crap out of me at the time. What was the name of that movie?

More quotes:

Goodnight, you princes of Maine, you kings of New England.

For uttering those contemptuous words in my presences, I'm goin' to have your balls in a sling.

I know men younger than myself who take their pensions and put on stupid little white shirts with cut-off sleeves, alligator on the tit,
and spend the rest of their days beating the hell out of a little white ball with an iron club. My God! The thought of it makes me want to puke.